Client: Soul Slings – Prism Joy

Client: Soul Slings Carriers: Soul Prism Joy Photographer: Nichole Kain Photography Date: September 18, 2015

Client: Smitten (Tala & QAR)

Client: Smitten With Wovens Carriers: Tala Seren & Queen Anne’s Revenge Photographer: Nichole Kain Photography Date: October 6, 2015    

Soul Prism – A Soul Slings Handwoven

Some of you may have read a bit about Soul Slings from the ring sling review I wrote awhile back. I am clearly a fan of this brand, so I could barely contain my excitement when they released their own line of budget friendly woven wraps – the Soul Prism line. I have had theContinue reading “Soul Prism – A Soul Slings Handwoven”

Queen Anne’s Revenge – Unexpected Elegance in a Pirate Wrap

  When I first saw the mock-up for the Queen Anne’s Revenge woven wrap – skeptical does not begin to describe my feelings. Skulls are admittedly not my thing though I know lots of people are really into it. I just wondered if there would be a market for such a thing, and if itContinue reading “Queen Anne’s Revenge – Unexpected Elegance in a Pirate Wrap”

Tala Seren – A Woven vs. Ring Sling Comparison

For the first time ever, I was sent both a wrap conversion ring sling and a matching wrap from the same woven colorway. I was pretty excited when Smitten With Wovens sent me their Limited Edition Tala Seren to test and review. I have had the pleasure of trying out basically every wrap this MadeContinue reading “Tala Seren – A Woven vs. Ring Sling Comparison”

Review: Daiesu Jigsaw Woven Wrap

I was very excited when I was contacted by the Malaysian woven wrap company Daiesu. I had been watching this budget brand on social media for some time, and was very curious about them. They sent me a Size 6 (4.6 meter) Jigsaw Mustard to review with my 30 lb 3 year old wrappee. ClearlyContinue reading “Review: Daiesu Jigsaw Woven Wrap”

Review: Vena Cava Crema – A Squishy Natty Ring Sling

Many months ago as Rachel (the mind behind Smitten With Wovens) and I were hanging out, she pulled this Vena Cava Crema fabric sample out of a box and asked me what I thought of it. What did I think of it?! What the heck WAS this? It was like someone bred an ace bandageContinue reading “Review: Vena Cava Crema – A Squishy Natty Ring Sling”

Review: Icarus Aurora – Ankalia does Cotton

The Icarus Aurora is the very first woven that I have tried from this lovely Australian company, Ankalia Textiles. I have been eyeing their stuff for a really long time now, so I was happy to finally get a chance to try one. Ankalia is the vision of Alex and Kellie, two babywearing Moms themselvesContinue reading “Review: Icarus Aurora – Ankalia does Cotton”

Review: Kush Textiles – An Artisan Handwoven Wrap With A Purpose

There is nobody who loves a nice budget Handwoven, like I love a nice budget Handwoven. I have largely avoided the custom Handwoven craze, the stockings, the resale value, all of that noise. I certainly can appreciate a beautiful Handwoven when it passes through here, but my heart definitely goes out to those Handwoven wrapsContinue reading “Review: Kush Textiles – An Artisan Handwoven Wrap With A Purpose”

Review: Birch Blast – The Newest Eco2Cotton Release by Bijou Wear

I had the opportunity to try out another release from Bijou Wear, and I jumped at it. I am so interested in this Eco2Cotton yarn and what kind of potential it has in the woven textile world. Birch Blast arrived here a few weeks ago amidst the chaos of our recent trip abroad. I haveContinue reading “Review: Birch Blast – The Newest Eco2Cotton Release by Bijou Wear”