Toddlerwearing – A Primer on Toddler Carriers

    People always have something to say when they see me wearing my 3.5 year old daughter in a baby carrier. Some are judgmental in tone, others just inquisitive or slightly concerned for the both of us. I understand the curiosity. Toddlerwearing is not something that people are used to seeing in much of theContinue reading “Toddlerwearing – A Primer on Toddler Carriers”

So You Want to Buy A Woven?

This may come as a shock to some of you – but I LOVE woven wraps. They are beautiful. They can be one of the most fashionable accouterments to motherhood, giving me confidence when I am out in the world. They are something that allows me to maintain some semblance of my former self, inContinue reading “So You Want to Buy A Woven?”

Making A Seat in a Woven Wrap

When I first dove into the world of Woven wraps, I found back carries to be really daunting. I was not exactly flexible enough to reach the high-up places on my back that I thought I needed to in order to make a “secure seat”. That combined with an arching, leg straightening toddler… meant thatContinue reading “Making A Seat in a Woven Wrap”

How to Choose a Baby Carrier

Help! I need a baby carrier! Yes, yes you most definitely do. How did you make it this long without one? Never mind, you’re here now. Let me assure you that no matter your preferred parenting philosophy… this will be one of the best decisions you can make as a caregiver to a child. BabywearingContinue reading “How to Choose a Baby Carrier”

Review: IndaJani Rebozos

From the very first time I laid eyes on an IndaJani, I was intrigued. My friend Rachel over at 5 Minute Recess had a box of them, and brought them to a meet-up for us to look at. She was going to become the U.S. Distributor for them, and wanted some honest opinions about theContinue reading “Review: IndaJani Rebozos”

IndaJani Brings Traditional Rebozos to a Modern Audience

It seems like handwoven wraps are all anyone talks about nowadays, so with all the chatter on thesubject, I am always surprised at how little I hear about IndaJani. IndaJani is a brand of woven wrap that is coming out of the state of Oaxaca in Southwestern Mexico, based on a traditional rebozo shawl -commonContinue reading “IndaJani Brings Traditional Rebozos to a Modern Audience”